
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RAL color chart just in -- this is fantastic.

OK folks.  Hold on to your hats.  The new RAL color chart from HP Velotechnik is IN THE HOUSE.  Oh. My. Lord.  This is fantastic.  There are colors in here that'll positively knock your neighbors' dentures out.

HP Velotechnik is the only manufacturer I know of who will do custom RAL colors to begin with.  But, get this, it only costs $129 more.  That is an amazing deal.

So, when you buy the bike of a lifetime, you can -- look -- just -- get it in your favorite color, OK?!  If you get that Scorpion fs, order it in Pearl Gold, OK?  Or shocking pink.  Get that Speedmachine in Pearl Violet.  Or the color of the Carribean sun.  Or that Grasshopper -- now the stock green is a beautiful color, don't get me wrong, but why not get it in Pearl Green and really tell the world how you feel?!  Or go with the bright white for pure class.  Oh, that would be sweet.  There's a deep saturated black that is awesome.  Or a purple black.  A day glow orange.  A red more pure than the purest red.  A neon yellow.  A wine red....  A tuscan brown.  Sand.  There's sand color here folks.  Cream.  Mocha.  And cafe au lait.  10 different grays.  Four different whites.  Want olive drab?  Got it.  Olive green?  Got it.  Olive oil?  Got it.  Olive blue so you don't scare the birds??  Got it.

You'll be wanting a different bike for every mood now!  And the fashionistas will want their Streetmachines to match their lipstick. And why not.

The world will be out of control.  Everyone will have a bike.  The sun will shine.  The colors of the rainbow will reign supreme.  Dick Cheney will forswear pants.  And all the world will be a stage for you to perform your individual song of identity and glory.  Hallelujah.

Man, if you thought the kids went nuts before, when you rode by on your bent, that Pearl Bronze Scorpion will put them into fits of ecstacy.  I'm really thinking I may need to buy myself a Pearl Purple Streetmachine, just out of principal.

Miles Davis would've loved this.

Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply (TM)
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2010 Robert Matson

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