
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rain gear for touring on a bent - Q & A

On Thu, November 10, 2011 8:57 am, Wylie G___ wrote:
> Do you use a large poncho that covers you and much of the bike to ride in
> the rain so that the bike doesn't get as wet?
> A guy I just met who biked to NY from Toronto used one he got in Niagara
> Falls to ride in the rain but he was on a regular bike.
> Just curious what your strategy is to keep the seat dry and keep
> components from getting wet if possible.
> Best,
> Wylie
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Hi Wylie,

Generally, rain won't hurt the bike, though fine grit and salt spray can (e.g., volcanic dust/mud and water from the sea or salted roads).  On a bent, a poncho blows up over one's face.  In cold rain or cold wind, I'll wear a rain coat and rain pants whether it's a standard frame bike or bent.  If it's a cool rain, I'll wear wool or fleece to stay "warm wet."  In a warm rain I'll just wear my standard riding clothes since if it's too warm, I'll simply get soaked with sweat in the waterproof rain gear.  For me, I can get wet from sweat regardless of how good the rain barrier is -- Gortex, eVent, etc.

Equally important are hand and foot protection -- I use rain shell mittens and water proof socks.

Or visit EMS or Tents and Trails in the city.

For me, the feet are the biggest challenge.  Some bent riders prefer cleated sandals instead of bike shoes to allow diverse foot coverings - waterproof socks, multiple thick socks, barefeet, etc.

All this said, nothing teaches like time spent on the road.

Hope that helps.


Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2011 Robert Matson

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