
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Riding a Cruzbike: easy for some.

I get a lot of interest in Cruzbikes.  However, with every new inquiry, there is a question: how long will it take the prospective rider to learn to ride it?

People ask how long it took me to get it.  I think they imagine they'll have the same success as me.  Now, I no longer think I'm a good example.  It took me about 2 hours before I was comfortable taking it out on the street and to Prospect Park where I had space to practice.  It looks like I was a slow learner!

The other week, I had two new Cruzbike riders, a woman and a man.  I'd love to take credit for being a good teacher, but I don't think I can.  Both were fit and that probably helped.  They were both off and riding within minutes.  Minutes, I tell you.

The woman, who will remain nameless since she wishes to maintain her privacy on the internet, was off and riding immediately.  Her fitness routine seems to consist of hiking on weekends and 30 minutes of pilates every morning.  (But maybe that explains it: strong core muscles.)  I gave her my usual basic starting instructions and then she was off and riding immediately with minimal control issues.  She did admit that she'd like some time to practice in the park before heading off on a long ride, however this was clearly a natural Cruzbiker.  Total time required to learn to ride: 5 seconds.

The fellow, a longtime recumbent rider, struggled for maybe 10 minutes, but then he was riding up and down the bike path like it was almost second nature.  We headed to Prospect Park, spent a little time doing handling drills on one of the cross-park drives, then did a little off-roading and downhilling including going over erosion control bars with an 8" drop-off, and then came back via city streets with traffic.  His control was rather impressive.  Wow.  Total time required to learn to ride: 10 minutes.

It reminded me of the following video from Cruzbike showing a brand new rider.

It had taken me a couple hours before I was riding with control.  And, after seeing a few others struggle to control the bike, I had begun to think it would take everyone a fair amount of practice.  Clearly that's not true.  Yours truly is simply slow.

Some people are able to ride a Cruzbike immediately.  For some it takes a while.  You simply have to try it and have faith that when -- not if -- you get the hang of it, you'll enjoy the performance advantages of the design.

Have fun and stay healthy and take a good look at a Cruzbike,
Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2012 Robert Matson

1 comment:

  1. I think the fact that you have a lot of experience with non-MBB SWB bikes may have made it harder for you to ride. I had none and had a pretty easy time starting out. (I did get a lot better with the first few hundred miles after that, too).

    p.s. Cruzbike Australia has a nice page of videos that shows how to start riding:

    I recommend these both to people who are going to learn how to ride as well as those who are curious how if they want to.
