
Monday, July 20, 2015

whales, dolphin and porpoise, oh my

This morning I got this note from Patricia Sener, Executive Director of CIBBOWS.  She's not biking, she's swimming. But that counts.

I quote....
Did you know there are humpback whales very close to where you swim?  The NY Bight, our backyard ocean, has the largest density of marine mammals and sea turtles in the US--twenty-one species of whales, dolphin and porpoise that come into these waters, frolicking just over yonder.
On July 22nd, I will be swimming 17 miles across the Western NY Bight to bring attention to the Clean Ocean Zone Initiative, which seeks to create the first-ever federally protectedClean Ocean Zone, or COZ. This COZ would be the nation's first-ever pollution-free ocean area where pollution sources such as raw sewage and oil/gas industries would be prohibited.
CIBBOWS is partnering with Clean Ocean Action, the creator of this initiative, in order to bring attention to the importance of keeping our local ocean clean and wild. Funds raised through CIBBOWS will go to two charities—Clean Ocean Action and Gotham Whale, a non-profit that tracks the local humpback whale population. 
This swim will start in Sandy Hook, NJ--the headquarters of COA--then into the wild blue open ocean, no land in sight--and finish around Atlantic Beach, LI, near the site of a proposed liquified natural gas storage facility that threatens to bring pollution to our waterways. 
I’m swimming where no person has swum before to raise awareness of the importance of keeping our backyard clean and swim-able for all.
Please join CIBBOWS and myself in supporting our local charities and consider making a donation for this event to help keep our backyard ocean wild, clean and swimmable.
Follow along on my adventures on Facebook this Wednesday for live updates. 
See you at the beach!
-Patricia SenerExecutive DirectorConey Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers

Eat, sleep, bike, swim,
Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2015 Robert Matson

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