Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Metro-North disallows recumbents

(Note: A few months later, MTA reversed its position on this. See the Summer Newsletter entry.)

This stinks.

Just now, a friend brought it to my attention that the MTA's "Bike Permit Regulations" website now specifically names recumbents as "not permitted." This must have been updated in the last two months.

It seems possible, however, that folding and split-apart bents, like the HP Velotechnik Grasshopper fx, Volaes with ES frames, and bents with SS couplings may still be permitted, but I'd put them in a closed carrying bag if only to avoid encouraging further restrictions. My guess would be that dirty chains and chain rings have upset some transit officials, but that's just a guess. (E-ml me individually if you need info. about carrying bags sized for the Grasshopper fx and the Scorpions fs/fx.)


Also see:

I assume I'm not alone in believing it would be worthwhile to work with the MTA to reconsider, at least to allow short wheelbase bents with covered chains and chain rings.

I'll spearhead this. Is there anyone on the list with professional negotiation skills who could volunteer to join me in this effort? Write me.


Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply (TM)
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2010 Robert Matson

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Statewide and regional bike route information from New York State. Some of it new.

It appears that New York State has updated its bike route information.  I've long known about the three main state-wide bike routes (5, 9 and 17) but I hadn't before seen this interactive map listing regional routes.  Looks like progress to me.

Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply (TM)
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2010 Robert Matson

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another thing more important than bents: Public Libraries.

For those who value knowledge and the power of combined resources, please be aware that New York City's Public Libraries are facing extraordinary budget cuts, to the point that branches are going to close, for certain.

Write your council person TODAY.  (Note: if you don't have a personal favorite among the branches, please consider throwing your support behind the Hudson Park branch. It has a particularly fine staff, a wonderful children's library, and it has hosted three or four exhibitions of my art work, along with the work of hundreds of other artists.)

Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply (TM)
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2010 Robert Matson

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bikeland, not gasland.

Sometimes bikes are not the most important thing.  Clean air is more important.  And clean water.

Oppose natural gas exploration and natural gas drilling in the watershed for New York City (and everywhere else).  Learn more about natural gas mining and fracking.

And see the movie Gasland.

Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply (TM)
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2010 Robert Matson